Of course, SPOILER ALERT!!
About last episode: hum... It's hard to begin because the episode was really cool. I'll start with Daenerys. Again showing herself as a warrior and a conqueror; she is definitely becoming stronger and stronger and I can't wait to see her in Westeros. When Drogon appeared my first thought was HELL YHEA, DROGON! FIRE! YES! and my second thought was: where did dany's horse go?...But moving on, I'm very happy with Drogon but I would like to see the 3 dragons fighting for their mother. About Tommen.....god...... what a pu**y! If Joffrey did too much, this one doesn't do anything! Yes, he was trying to protect his queen and keep peace in Westeros but...come on! It's starting to get ridiculous Tommen and you know what happens to weak people in GOT. About Sam and Gilly: I heard 5 minutes of Sam's father and he was already pissing me off! I was just glad that he stole the sword and ran with his love.
Arya, for me, is just screwed: YOU HAD ONE JOB!! I want to see what they'll do to her. So much trouble to become no one and, in the end, well....
And finally: BRAN. I'm just glad BENJEN FUC*ING STARK, appeared to save the day. The master of Hide and Seek. At first I was like: who is this? When he said he had almost become a white walker, I was afraid but the fact that (if I understood correctly) he only became half white walker is just AWESOME! I predict badass moments for this character.
Boku dake ga inai machi, best known as ERASED is one of the best animes I've ever seen. It tells the story of an adult who has the ability to go back in time and so, he has the chance to save some people who don't get to live that long (in particular a girl that he didn't talk to that much). «The city where only I don't exist»- I mean, most people could relate to this. Everyday we see new faces, everyday people give up on life because they don't have friendship or love. This was an intense anime because it tells that you gotta do what you gotta do. Don't have second thoughts. If you want to talk to that boy/girl, talk to that boy/girl, if you get rejected, you got rejected. At least, when your life ends you'll have no regrets and you'll know that you lived a great life.
And they say anime is for kids...
Internet is going crazy about Captain America! In this huge turn of events (SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT!) we discover that Steve Rogers is, in fact, a Hydra agent. I didn't actually read a lot of comics but I decided to give it a try and I started with this one. At the end all I could say was: OMG, OMG....NOT HAPPENING! DID NOT READ IT!
Of course, i logged in on facebook and I see a lot of fanboys going crazy about this. I mean, yes it's something huge but death threats are a little too much, don't you think? Keep calm guys. Yes, they (can't) just throw away 75 years of our beloved Cap but remember Steve has already lift the mjolnir and, as we all know, just the worthy can lift it...SO? What about theories?

Marvel: «This seemingly standard Captain America title will reveal that Steve Rogers will be, and always has been, a member of Hydra and will now be presented as the most covert undercover operative of the Marvel Universe who is trying to take it down from within».